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Sieve Implementations
This space is intended to be a single-stop listing of all announced available Sieve implementations, or pre-announcements of any work in progress as made by any individual, organization, or company.
Other implementations might be underway for commercial and/or proprietary products by a number of companies. Check the mailing list archives for details, questions, or hints based on the participants' comments.
Sever-Based Sieve
- The Carnegie Mellon University Sieve implementation was initially released in January, 1999. It's now part of the Cyrus IMAP server. MANAGESIEVE has been implemented as part of the CMU Cyrus Sieve suite.
- Isode M-Box includes support for Sieve, which is thread safe version of Cyrus Sieve. MANAGESIEVE has been implemented as part of the Isode M-Box suite.
- Newer versions of PMDF from Process Software have Sieve support via a web-based interface.
- Rockliffe Mailsite v5 supports server, domain and mailbox level Sieve filtering with a rule based windows GUI, and a slightly limited web based GUI. A trial version can be downloaded from the web site.
- Exim v4 has support for Sieve scripts.
- DBMail is adding support for Sieve and ManageSieve.
- mvmf is a delivery agent currently in use, and still under active development. Its scripting language includes an embedded Sieve implementation.
- Dovecot is adding support for Sieve in its local delivery agent.
- Sun Messaging Server has support for Sieve.
- Sendmail's Intelligent Inbox product supports Sieve.
Client-based SIEVE script editing, ManageSieve script handling
Desktop Clients
- Mulberry is a Cross-Platform Mail / Contacts / Calendar Client that supports Sieve script generation and upload via ManageSieve.
- kio_sieve manages mail filtering Sieve scripts remotely in KDE, via ManageSieve.
- gsieve manages Sieve scripts for the GNOME Desktop, via ManageSieve.
- Simon Josefsson has an Emacs-based ManageSieve implementation.
- The Thunderbird SIEVE extension provides ManageSieve support for Mozilla Thunderbird.
Web-Based Clients
- websieve perl/cgi web module for creating scripts from Alain Turbide.
- Ingo is a mail filtering manager, supporting Sieve, procmail, and IMAP filters. (Part of the Horde framework).
- avelsieve is a user-friendly SIEVE mail filter plugin for Squirrelmail.
- Smartsieve is a web based graphical user interface for creating and managing sieve scripts on a cyrus imap mail server.
Sieve Libraries and Classes
Sieve (The Language Itself)
- CMU's Sieve and ManageSieve implementation is available as part of the Cyrus IMAP Project.
- libSieve implements the Sieve mail sorting language, per RFC 3028. LibSieve was based on the Cyrus Imapd project, but offers a standalone library that other projects can use.
- libsieve-php implements the Sieve mail sorting language, per RFC 3028 and extensions, for PHP. Currently under development. ManageSieve support is planned.
ManageSieve (The Transport Protocol for Script Management)
- sieve-php is a PHP ManageSieve class.
- PEAR's Net_Sieve is another PHP ManageSieve class that is bundled in PHP's PEAR.
Sieve Extension Support
A list of supported extensions by product is available at Fastmail.FM wiki's Sieve Extension Support Matrix.